We INSPIRE All Generations to Create a Better World!
By changing the way people imagine themselves in a relationship with one another and our planet
What We Do
Nothing connects the cultures, hearts & minds of the human race as greatly as a view into one another's worlds. Through this view, we learn each other's values, hear each other's dreams, and feel each other's pain. We realize that we have much in common, which awakens our sensitivities.
My Generation produces film and art to do just that! We open people's eyes to a common ground that all humans share: a hope for a safe home for our children, freedom of belief, and the desire to share with those in need.
By awakening viewers to the dream of a new world, audiences will be inspired to take action, create positive change, and help aid charitable organizations.
My Generation will be launching an inspirational documentary that travels the oceans of the earth to connect the dots between every nation and culture. It will reach a global audience with a positive, fun, and entertaining message.
This film is designed to stimulate a cheerful response that results in people taking action and loving the rewards of giving! The first filming is taking place in the geographical wonder, El Nido, Philippines. The cast of is a collection of people from around the world. They will discover the area and culture of the people, while experiencing giving to those in need. This cast testifies, with heartfelt enthusiasm and understanding, how easily a little change can change a lot.
My Generation Foundation is working to partner with international NGOs to stage this event in El Nido. These charitable institutions will bring valuable and viable services to people living in poverty. Our volunteer staff will work with a local Filipino crew and local talents to produce the show. This will be a catalyst to bring more funding and support to many charitable organizations around the world!
Hannah Espia, Filipino Grammy Winner, will direct and produce this first one-of-a-kind film. Parts of the film will include scenes of a free live concert given to village people who have never had such an experience! The songs will be a celebration of peace, love, and global unity. A celebrity guest artist will also appear to join the team and show their support for the cause.
My Generation Foundation has the potential to change the way people see themselves in a relationship with one another and with our planet. Building the dream is our mission... and it works!
The power of multimedia & film helps build the dream of a new world!
